About Old Man Hippy
About Old Man Hippy
I started working at 14 (earlier if you count that paper route), and spent the better part of my life earning a living, right up until I hung up my work boots in April 2020. My final stint was almost 37 years in the engineering department of a major metropolitan hospital. It was a wild ride: fast-paced, unpredictable, and filled with some of the best people I’ll ever know. I miss them, but let’s be honest, after 50+ years of work, I earned this retirement.

I’ve been married to an wonderful woman for over 20 years. Together, we navigate life, retirement, and the occasional curveball, including a pandemic that none of us signed up for. We live in a medium sized town in Maryland and share our home with Jaxx, a Maine Coon Cat and Snazzle, a Havanese dog. They keep us active, or at least help.
Jaxx at 15 months and Snazzle at 9 weeks, their first meeting.Jaxx at 15 months and Snazzle at 9 weeks, their first meeting.
Jaxx at 15 months and Snazzle at 9
weeks, their first meeting.
Quick PSA: The pandemic isn’t over folks, no matter what you have been told. Get vaccinated, get your boosters, and wear your mask indoors, especially if you don’t know the people around you are fully vaccinated. Science isn’t optional. And if you’re an anti-vaxxer, flat-earther, or deep-state conspiracy theorist you will probably not like it here. Fair warning.

These days, I channel my energy into this website. It’s my playground for creativity. Photography, meme-making, graphics, random musings, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I’ve always loved tinkering with computers and the internet, and this site gives me a space to do just that.

Feel free to poke around, enjoy yourself, and if you’ve got something to say, drop me a line via email or the contact page (which is also email by the way). Just keep it friendly, or at least constructive. Life’s too short for trolls.

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by!