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Truth in the New Year
January 6, 2024

As you can easily see, it has been quite a while since I posted a blog entry. I am retired, so claiming not having time would be a stretch, but the truth of the matter is, life gets in the way. Dealing with health issues, and burn out, are part of the delay. The software I was using being a pain in the rear side is also no small part of the delay.

Well currently, health seems stabilized a bit. The new software is great and easy to use. So, the excuses are falling away.  Moving forward I am going to commit to writing more blog entries than in the past, at least one bi-weekly, and, with luck, more. It will certainly be easy doing more as I only did 3 in the last 2 years.

We are moving into a critical year for our Democracy. You may be like me, and have grown up thinking our Democracy was a rock and never in danger. I certainly thought that. Sure, we might ebb and flow on how we got things done, or on what direction we headed as a nation, but our Democracy itself was safe. That is no longer the truth.

We have a criminal running for office, and sadly leading the Republican field. He has said things again and again that show his intent is to end our democracy and punish anyone he feels is against him. And through it all the GOP has supported his lies, his insurrection and his goals.

GOP politics has always been a battlefield of ideas, but in today's hyper-polarized landscape, the weapons of choice have shifted from logical arguments, right or wrong, to outright falsehoods. Lies, misinformation, and disinformation are rampant, leaving us feeling bombarded, confused, and powerless. But fear not, fellow truth-seekers! Here are some tips for navigating the minefield of political lies:

1. Sharpen Your Critical Thinking Skills:
Think of yourself as a detective, not a passive consumer of information. Question everything you see and hear. Look for evidence, not just assertions. Consider the source: who is saying this? What is their agenda? What biases might they have? Fact-checking websites like PolitiFact and Snopes can be helpful allies.

2. Diversify Your News Sources:
Don't get trapped in an echo chamber! Seek out news from a variety of sources, both mainstream and independent, with varying political leanings. This will expose you to different perspectives and help you identify potential biases in any one source.

3. Be Wary of Emotional Appeals:
Politicians, especially the GOP, often use fear, anger, or outrage to manipulate our emotions and bypass our critical thinking. Be cautious of inflammatory language, loaded terms, and exaggerated claims. Ask yourself, "Is this fact-based, or are they trying to trigger an emotional response?"

4. Don't Share Unsubstantiated Claims:
And this is very important. Think before you click! Sharing unverified information, even if you don't believe it yourself, can contribute to the spread of misinformation. Double-check facts before hitting "share" and encourage others to do the same.

5. Demand Accountability:
Hold politicians and media outlets accountable for spreading lies. Call out false statements, write letters to the editor, and contact your elected representatives. Your voice matters!

6. Focus on Solutions, Not Just Problems:
It's easy to get bogged down in negativity, but remember, there are people working towards solutions. Support organizations and initiatives that are promoting fact-based discourse and constructive dialogue.

7. Prioritize Your Mental Health:
Dealing with constant lies can be emotionally draining. Take breaks from the news, engage in activities you enjoy, and connect with loved ones. Remember, your well-being is important.

8. Educate Others:
Share your knowledge and critical thinking skills with others. Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of verifying information and avoiding misinformation.

9. Be a Beacon of Hope:
In the face of negativity, choose to be a force for good. Promote respectful dialogue, critical thinking, and a commitment to truth. Let's work together to create a political landscape where facts matter, and the truth prevails.

Remember, fighting misinformation is a marathon, not a sprint. By staying informed, being critical, and supporting those who are working for a better future, we can push back against the tide of lies and build a more informed and engaged citizenry.

Let's make the truth great again, and in doing so save our Democracy.

Together, we can navigate the minefield of political lies and build a brighter future for all. Remember, silence is complicity and speaking truth to lies our duty as citizens.

In conclusion, happy new year. Let’s make this a much better year for our country, our democracy, and most importantly, our inner peace. Let’s make honesty a virtue and deceit something to be ashamed about, again.

Please pay attention